by Matt C. Altro B. Comm., F. Pl., CFP® (CAN), CFP® (US) | Mar 26, 2019 | Article, Immigration, Investment Planning, News
Globe & Mail – Four Tax and Other Financial Considerations for Americans Moving to Canada We are delighted to share that Matt Altro and David Altro were asked to prepare a special for The Globe and Mail, which was published on March 25, 2019. Their article...
by Jeremy Voisin B. Comm., F .Pl. | Mar 13, 2018 | Immigration, News
U.S. president Donald Trump made a promise during his 2016 campaign to pull the U.S. out of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). He’s called it the worst trade deal ever signed by the U.S. and a “disaster”. Let’s discuss some...
by Bram C. Lucht, B. Comm., F.Pl. | May 24, 2017 | Immigration
Death, taxes, and extensions to the EB-5 Regional Center Program (“EB-5 RCP”) – these are certainties in life. Extending the EB-5 RCP has become an annual event, like Groundhog Day or Star Wars Day (May the fourth be with you!). As of Friday May 5th, the EB-5 was...
by Matt Altro | Apr 4, 2017 | Health Coverage & Insurance, Immigration, Tax Planning
Spring is upon us, and I thought it would be a good time to briefly check in on the latest updates from the Trump presidency that could potentially affect Canadians planning to move to the US or Americans planning to move to Canada. This blog is the second of a series...
by Bram C. Lucht, B. Comm., F.Pl. | Mar 8, 2017 | Immigration, Tax Planning
As we battle the end of winter, spring may be right around the corner, but it’s tax season that’s captured the attention of many Canadians. A Liberal Party victory in early 2016 not only brought new leadership to Canada, but several federal tax changes as well. These...
by Matt Altro | Jan 31, 2017 | Health Coverage & Insurance, Immigration, Tax Planning
2017 is upon us and so is the new president. Last Friday, Donald Trump was inaugurated into the highest seat of office in the US. Since Trump announced his intention to run for president, there has been much speculation about the efficacy of his proposed policies. Now...