Cross Border
Financial Planning
Cross border financial planning involves analyzing several different areas of a client’s life with the goal of executing a financially successful cross border move from Canada to the US or from the US to Canada. Cross border financial planning is also useful for Canadians currently living in the US as well as Americans who are already living in Canada.
There are many factors that go into a change in residency. A move of this nature is complex as it involves understanding laws in multiple jurisdictions and how they interact. It is our experience that prior to making a move or decision of this magnitude it is prudent to prepare a Cross Border Financial Plan. The purpose of the plan is to address your concerns, minimize tax and help you avoid costly mistakes.
When engaging in cross border financial planning, we determine a client’s cross border tax, estate, investment, retirement, and immigration planning needs in light of their particular goals and objectives. Tax filing requirements as well as health insurance and risk management needs are other key cross border considerations that we analyze. Once we complete a detailed review of a client’s circumstances, we write and present a comprehensive cross border financial plan.
The cross border financial plan is a customized document that provides a detailed analysis of current US and Canadian laws and regulations and how those laws and regulations apply to a client’s specific situation. A cross border financial plan also contains recommendations tailored for each individual client. These recommendations suggest avenues for overcoming potential barriers to financial success and well-being as a cross border individual.
In order to complete a comprehensive cross border analysis, specific to your situation, our team follows the seven-step process illustrated below for our clients. The process begins with a consultation where we can meet with you in-person, by telephone or by video-conference to review your personal situation to analyze how we can assist with your pending cross border move, or current cross border residency issues. The next step is for us to prepare a custom engagement letter which outlines all the necessary steps for your move, which we review together before you decide to move forward with our services. Once we have agreed on the mandate, we begin data gathering and learn your specific goals & objectives so that we can create a written cross border financial plan which is personalized with your facts. Once ready, we present your plan and then begin implementing the various moving parts to facilitate your cross border lifestyle.
To discover how our cross border financial planning services can benefit you, please request a consultation.
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The first step to determine if a family office is right for you and your family is to request a consultation to meet with our team of professionals. It is important to realize that every family’s situation is different, and we need to analyze your facts before making any specific recommendations. We look forward to welcoming you
with us